Dovid Pink chats with Sky News about the reduction in phone mast rents and the rollout of 5G
View Full Sky News article here Interesting piece on the Code which I was interviewed for last week. Although the interview was around 20 minutes,
We are a RICS-regulated firm of telecoms specialist surveyors with over 30 years experience representing and protecting landlords’ rights.
We provide phone mast advice to a range of clients; from rural property owners to large investment funds. We are renowned for our expert experience and knowledge in the field.
If you have been contacted about a new phone mast, call us today
Find out if you can increase your rent
We can negotiate on your behalf to ensure you get the best terms
Swap your annual rent for a large lump sum
Do you need to remove a phone mast? We can help you
Unsure about what equipment is on the site? We can find out
If you have been contacted about adding or changing equipment, call us today
If you are unsure about the new law and what it means for you, call our team
Are you recovering electricity costs used by the Operator on your property?
Have you been approached to permit a third party cable on your land or property?
We know we can provide you with a fantastic service, but don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what some of our clients had to say.
Last time we checked, we had added over
to our client’s portfolios
View Full Sky News article here Interesting piece on the Code which I was interviewed for last week. Although the interview was around 20 minutes,
We answer all emails and requests as they come in. If you have an urgent matter or would like to speak to one of our experts, please click the link below to give us a call.
We answer all emails and requests as they come in. If you have an urgent matter or would like to speak to one of our experts, please click the link below to give us a call.