phone mast rent reviews
- Normally leases contain provisions for rent increases
- To agree a rent, you need good comparable evidence
- Comparable evidence is very difficult to find
- We can review your situation FREE of charge
- We can provide you with expert advice
- We have a wealth of comparable evidence to support the highest rents.
If you want to find out how much rent you should be getting for your site, get in touch with us today.
phone mast rent reviews
Can You Increase Your Phone Mast Rent?
Has your rent remained the same for a number of years? Then you could be overdue a rent review.
Here’s something you might not have noticed: your phone mast lease may contain a provision for the rent to be reviewed and potentially raised, allowing you to earn more for renting your property to a telecoms company.
Of course, calculating how much to raise phone mast rent by is rather complicated. Your lease may stipulate that one of various review mechanisms be used to review the rent, or it may allow you to choose between two mechanisms; which you choose can yield a more favourable result than another. It takes considerable expertise and experience to calculate the different ways, measure which one to use for the best result and lay out a convincing argument that your lease should be raised to match that amount.
That’s where we come in. Our 30 years of experience and expertise, together with our extensive database of comparable evidence, allows us to ensure you receive the rent you deserve—always.
We have helped countless landlords realize the true value of their lease. For many of them, the date of the Rent Review had already passed, but we were able to use our considerable experience to carry out the Review and recover backdated rent.
That said, the sooner you act, the more likely your chance of success. Market rent has been in a steady decline the past few years, and the longer you wait to review your rent, the more likely the chance that the decline will affect you. In addition, some leases do contain deadlines that cannot be worked around.
- 0161 511 8732
- 0161 211 5104
- dovid.pink@amsy.co.uk
Dovid Pink
Dovid specialises in negotiating lease capitalisation agreements, rent reviews, managing site access and removing telecoms operators from sites. He has over 27 years experience negotiating with telecoms operators and is waiting to speak with you. Call now to discuss your situation, free of charge.
Dip Surv
RICS Valuer
27 years of telecoms experience